Spirituality may be a part of your personal growth work and if you decide to explore this part of your life, I’d love to help.
Spiritual practices help us still our emotions, cultivate and regulate our mind-body awareness, and connect meaningfully with ourselves and others. Prayer, meditation, breathwork, and mindfulness when experienced individually or collectively, in person or online, can fuel compassion, insight, and a deep knowing. Transformative states can even be attained which can shift life‘s purpose and meaning. Coaching or counseling can help you achieve this.
Regardless if spiritual practices are faith based or not, self-care rituals that calm and soothing us contribute to clear thinking and an improved inner guidance. An elegant peace emerges, and a sense of well-being is established. Movement, creative expression, and nutrition can synthesize to raise our consciousness. Psychology and spirituality merge when we deliberately attend to the silence that surrounds us. Our highest selves are uplifted.
For some, the teachings of law of attraction offer a simple, clear perspective on manifesting this uplifted life. Law of attraction is easily explained through Proverbs 23:7- “as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” Many voices in the law of attraction community essentially teach that our “thoughts become things.” Positive psychology agrees. Christian scholars, humanistic poets, and existential philosophers too. A simple but robust approach to improving your life can come from taking responsibility for this principle and growing and your understanding of ways to practice the universal truth embodied in law of attraction. Learn to FEEL your way into a better emotional life. Coaching in the success principles of LOA can quickly and completely transform your day to day experience.