The ability to recognize and respond skillfully to our feelings is an invaluable talent. Since our thoughts are always with us, it is helpful to know what to say when we talk to ourselves and how to listen to our thoughts without having to react. The inner atmosphere created by our thoughts sets our mood, shapes our behavior, and ultimately determines the trajectory of our lives.
Therefore it can be life-changing to shift to the position of the creator of our thoughts rather than to be the victim of them. To do this, we must have an inner capacity to notice our feelings and to regulate them consistently. This noticing and regulating requires knowledge and skill that can be taught. Similar to physical agility, emotional agility must be practiced over and over for optimal results. After all, you get good at things you practice! Remember how when your body feels great you feel unstoppable? The same is true with emotional health. The attainment and maintenance of your emotional health makes all other areas of your life work better too. Learn how to practice emotions well so that this relience can be an integrated talent that you are able to rely on, even take for granted for stability and success. Resilience comes when you know, like, and trust yourself first so that you can then know, like, and trust others. Transform your life by learning effective strategies, receiving ongoing support, and customized coaching. That problem you have? Let’s solve it!
On a higher, more esoteric, (some would say “woo-woo” level), we can become most resilient and most emotionally agile when we remember that we are spiritual beings having a worldly experience. We can choose to embody something greater than our reality and believe in our potential instead. It is a skill to disassociate from the known to create the unknown. A little bit of “positive pretending” can yield magnificent, magical results.
We are in a new era in which we are able to manifest solutions from a greater level of consciousness than ever before. On a practical level, we can teach ourselves to respond rather than react by acting “as if“ and by practicing future potentially challenging situations and experiencing the desired outcome. Practicing the future changes the today. We prove to ourselves that we can be stronger than our environment. We rehearse brain and heart coherence and magnetize our experience of wholeness. Transformation coaching can speed the process of you becoming spectacular and help you show up in the world differently.